Finally a very good day of skiing. Ski season has been starting slowly this winter. We were waiting weeks for new fresh snow. It is not perfect, but is becoming better with the last snowfall. The White Pass area has received approximatively 60 centimetres of new fresh snow since last week, and the wind calm down. So conditions are getting way better, even if the snow pack is still variable and thin for this time of year ( probably half that it suppose to be). So you can get there expecting some decent ski conditions, but be aware about avalanche conditions, there are still some instabilities. You can check for last updates on the CAC forum ( you can also leave yours) and do not forget to check the avalanche forecast, the Avi tec guys are doing some good job out there to provide good informations.

Today was a very good day for the weather and the quality of the snow. Temperature at Fraser was around -11c.

As you can see, a good ski penetration, about 40cm but easy to break the trail.

And very good ski conditions…

And sometimes, with a bit of tape you can fix everything…even a broken binding ;-0

Have fun and ski safe.


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