The ski season is not completely on. The snow pack is very thin, the ground is not well covered, especially the unleveled rocky ground that we have in the White Pass area. So far, the only decent ski conditions are found on glaciers.
Now, backcountry users are very aware about avalanches,but, sometime not very aware about skiing on glacier with potential risk of fall into a crevasse.
Do you know the terrain you are skiing on? Last winter was drier than usual in the Coast Mountains, summer was drier and warmer. The result was an important melting of the snow coverage, even on glaciated area. Which means less snow covering crevasses and more crevasses uncovered than usual. The last snowfalls that occurred and the wind have created some snow bridges but not always solid enough to carry a skier.
So while skiing on your favorite spot or new terrain that you are discovering, for your safety, you have to be aware of crevasses. You need to have the proper equipment, skills and training to conduct crevasse rescue.
Plan your trip, do not rely only on maps, they are not accurate enough and they do not show crevasses. Glaciers are in constant movement, crevasses locations and shape change continuously. Never travel alone on a glacier.
Below some pictures taken late summer and in winter, of some glaciated area around White Pass..yes there are some crevasses, large and deep enough to lead to serious consequences.
Cleveland Southeast peak